Sacramento Zoo

Sacramento Zoo

The Sacramento Zoo is an outdoor zoo based in William Land Park in Sacramento. It opened with forty-four animals in June of 1927. At the time, it covered about 4.2 acres and remained this way until the late 1960s, when the zoo added to its numbers. Today, it has added several attractions to its already outstanding reputation. This includes the Safari Quest, the Aquarium Quest, the Great Fun Zone, and the Timbuktu Ride.

The zoo has several special attractions for those who want to learn more about nature. One of these is the Gorilla Forest. Inhabited by no fewer than fifteen gorillas, this is where visitors can get to see everything from the exotic specie to the more tame animals living within the zoo. You will also be able to feed the gorillas and watch them interact with each other.

Another attraction is the local wildlife center located in the zoo's grounds. Here, you can find information on the latest trends in animal care and how to take care of your own local wildlife. There is also a huge collection of books on basic biology, zoology, and conservation. The Sac Sacramento Zoo offers four different exhibits in connection with the area's wildlife:

The master plan was created by the city council of Sacro Simba as a way to make sure that the zoo will continue being a source of income while also maintaining its natural status. In the master plan, they included some major attractions such as: the Safari Quest, the Gorilla Forest, and the Reptile House. The main emphasis is on the Safari Quest because it is the main draw to the entire facility. The master plan states that the Safari Quest will offer: "a wide range of experiences and encounters in association with an array of wildlife reserves and national parks in central California". This promises to offer visitors the chance to see not only the giant monkeys, but giraffes, deer, bisons, elk, and more.

The second major attraction is the Gorilla Forest. The purpose of the Gorilla Forest is to allow the local residents to benefit from the presence of wild chimpanzees. According to the city council, the purpose of the park is to provide: "a place where people may come and get close to wild chimpanzees". The zoo has two separate sections: a breeding center where Rottweilers, Chimpanes, and Hyenas are bred; and a veterinary hospital where cats, dogs, and other animals are treated and looked after. The primary attraction to the Gorilla Forest is the opportunity to feed monkeys and others.

The third section of the proposed Saco Zoo Land Park would have a section dedicated to educational displays, nature trails, as well as playground areas. In this section, the emphasis would be on providing children with an opportunity to interact with animals while gaining a valuable education in our great nation. An entire family can participate in educational activities that include a visit to the Pandinus Wildlife Park and interacting with stingrays, eels, and turtles; the Animals Awareness Zoo where zoo goers can learn about animals no matter what they might be feeding; and the Great Salt Lake Wetland, where visitors can swim, canoe, kayak, or just enjoy the natural setting.

Another way the proposed zoo changes the focus from a Safari Quest oriented amusement park to a true wildlife conservation center is by changing the name of the zoo to The Great Animal Sanctuary. Instead of focusing solely on Safari Quest, the zoo would instead emphasize showing the importance of being a community member in wildlife conservation. Visitors would be encouraged to purchase green products such as paper towels and other reusable items as well as plant trees and flowers to beautify the land and enhance the local environment. If the City of Saco has any type of Green Policy, the proposed zoo should be able to comply with it.

Finally, the proposed changes at the Saco/Strickland Park Zoo would be a huge boon to the hundreds of native animals currently living and thriving within the park's boundaries. Within the proposed zoo grounds will be a new and improved Snake Park featuring over one hundred different species of poisonous snakes. Along with this new park will be a fully operational Bird Gardens featuring more than two hundred species of birds in various stages of development, habitat areas, and visitor attractions. All of these projects would help ensure that the future success of the Saco-Strickland Park Zoo is secured for generations to come.

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