Elfreth's Alley Museum

Elfreth's Alley is an old street in Philadelphia, dated back to 17os. There are thirty-two homes on this street that were built during the colonial period between 17OS and 1800. Today, the Elfreth's Alley Museum at the rear of this historic site is one of the most visited local attractions.

Elfreths Alley Museum

It is impossible to miss Elfreth's Alley. This is the main entrance to Philadelphia's city hall and it is quite often that visitors are overwhelmed by the overwhelming number of items, including the antique jewelry that is on display. What is very unusual about this area of Philadelphia is that it is one of only two places in the entire United States where you can visit the former city of Philadelphia while being in the state of Maryland. Visitors often describe this part of town as a giant tourist trail! The name of this museum actually means "old road" and it is exactly that - a long narrow dirt path lined with houses that have been converted from previous years of housing. This street also has a rather unique history due to the fact that it was one of the first plazas ever constructed in the western hemisphere!

Elfreth's Alley Museum starts off with the discovery of a skeletons' grave in what was probably a graveyard dating back to the Middle Ages. In addition, a copper kettle that belonged to a well-known pottery maker can be found, along with a plaque that records the first morris arbor in the city. All of these historical and archaeological artifacts were displayed on a seasonal basis so that the exact dates could be determined for each quarter.

This museum is devoted to collecting antiquities and other valuable objects from all over the world and is housed in a building that once housed the Thomas Jefferson House, one of the most famous institutions in the nation. In the spring and summer, the museum features free live music and dance shows, a unique feature that takes you back to the day when plantation workers would gather to play music and dance for food and entertainment. During the autumn and winter, however, they transform this popular attraction into a showcase for their extensive collection of antique dolls, pottery, furniture, lamps, and stained glass.

Every Saturday, Elfreth's Alley Museum hosts a "Stride to Elfreth" tea party. Tourists can bring their own camera or take one of their own to capture this historic event. The highlight of the afternoon is the unbelievable free admission that visitors are entitled to, as long as they're at the facility between noon and four PM on the first Sunday of any month. All the proceeds of this amazing activity go towards helping to preserve the Manayunk landscape. There are many exciting activities planned for this year, so keep an eye out for information about future events.

If you love walking through the streets of Manayunk and spending your leisure time amidst the vendors and local shops, then you should plan on attending the annual "Farmsound Spring Fair" on April 2nd. Come join the rest of the community in this beautiful atmosphere where local businesses offer a wide variety of free activities to all visitors. Highlights this year include Farmers Market-The only outdoor marketplace in Manayunk! Come see how local farmers market their products and find out why they do what they do. The Farmers Market is open every Saturday morning from 9 am to noon.

Special events are always scheduled throughout April, so be sure to check back for more. On Saturday, April 4th, the "Manayunk Street Movie" comes to a spectacular conclusion with the grand opening of a movie theatre. Expect classic films, modern blockbusters, and documentaries about the area, including an educational segment about Elfreth's Alley. During the evening, enjoy delicious food and live music in the streets of Manayunk.

To finish off our featured date in April, we have the "Saxony Triangle Tours" which are for a very special day on Friday, April 14th. This guided tour will take visitors to three historic spots that represent three of the city's most significant cultural eras. On a lovely sunny Saturday, participants can take advantage of the beautiful sunset views along the riverfront, or they can also enjoy the numerous restaurants and other cafes in the area. This is the perfect day to explore Manayunk's past and enjoy the marvelous natural setting that is Franklinton, East Village, and Elfreth's Alleys.

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